Edit a user

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Edit a User

There are a number of details on the system about a user. these can be updated either by the user or an administrator or super administrator.


To change your own details

    1. When you are logged into the system click on your name or profile picture on the top right of the screen.
    2. Select the 'Actions' button on the top right, then select 'Edit User'.
    3. Update the details as required.
    4. Select the 'Update' button at the bottom of the screen when complete.

To change another user's details

    1. Find the user you require. To learn how to find a user click here.
    2. Select the 'Actions' button on the top right, then select 'Edit User'.
    3. Update the details as required.
    4. Select the 'Update' button at the bottom of the screen when complete.

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