Glossary of Terms

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Glossary of Terms

LMS – Learning Management System. A system which manages eLearning courses, assessments, assignments.

TMS – Training Management System. A system which manages the booking and marking of face-to-face events.

AMS – Accreditation Management System. A system which manages the completion of LMS and TMS items to form accreditations.

Tenant – The owner of the CLS domain. In this instance the Australian Sports Commission.

Sub-domain – one of many bodies who provides eLearning under the umbrella of a single Tenant, but through their own “front door”.

Portal – A gateway into the CLS. This can either be directly through a tenant or via a sub-domain.

Author – the entity that owns the IP of a learning asset. It might be the same as the user who actually wrote the course but not always.

Publisher - An entity (not perhaps identified in the CLS) that manages the sale and distribution of a course. Often the author and publisher will be the same entity, especially on their own tenant.  The role of publisher is to arrange all of the business relationships, contracts and payments between the author and the retailer.

Distributor - The Organisation that delivers the course over the internet. Always Janison.

Retailer - The organisation that is the tenant owner and enrols the learner in the course. I think we should only use the word retailer to describe an entity that is delivering courses from another author in a commercial model. A retailer will always have a tenant or a sub-domain.

Provider - Delivers training on behalf of the retailer/tenant.  In most cases the tenant owner will also be the provider, but in the example of Netball and Swimming the Providers are the State Member organisations or an external organisation like ASCTA.  There is a model where the Provider would sit outside of the tenant as you might imagine that RLSSA could provide first aid courses and assessment sessions to Netball.  This may be too complicated to figure out now, but worth holding in the back of our minds. A provider would have facilitators, presenters and assessors.

Provider - is the organisation, be it Netball Australia or a third party, who runs the session.

Facilitator - A natural person from the retailer who administers a face to face to face session. They may often be the presenter as well and need to be able to create session as well as record results.

Presenter - A natural person who delivers a face-to-face session and will mark a learner as Present, passed, or failed. A presenter will most commonly be an Assessor as well. A presenter will most commonly be associated with a tenant but there is a future idea that presenters could exist at the global level and work across tenants.

Assessor (Marker) - A natural person who assessors a learners competency either in face to face workshop or through online submissions.  Most commonly they will have a one-to-one relationship with the Retailer, but future models might have value where an assessor can work across tenants on some form of Global permissions structure.

Learner - The natural person actually doing the learning.

Accreditation – An award which is made up of one or more catalogue items. E.g. an exam, a course and a workshop.

Catalogue item - A catalogue item is what people enrol in. Each can include many assets such as online courses, exams and learning events.

Event - A single learning face-to-face item which can have many sessions e.g. Basic First Aid workshop

Session - One of many instances of an event

Learning event - A learning event is a face-to-face asset (workshop). It can have one or many sessions.

Session – A session is one instance of a learning event. Sessions are run at Venues.

Venue - Venues are situated at Locations.

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